The proprieties in deportment, which concerts require, are little different from those which are recognized in every other assembly, or in public exhibitions, for concerts partake of the one and the other, according as they are public or private. In private concerts, the ladies occupy the front seats, and the gentlemen are generally in groups behind, or at the side of them. We should observe the most profound silence, and refrain from beating time, humming the airs, applauding, or making ridiculous gestures of admiration. It often happens that a dancing soiree succeeds a concert, and billets of invitation, distributed two or three days before hand should give notice of it to the persons invited.

Up Attire The Cloak Room Dancing Public Deportment Gentlemen Ladies Evening Party Rules for a Ball Giving a Ball Reason for Not Dancing Modesty How to Ask a Lady Issuing Invitations Leaving a Ball Notes Against Dancing Private Party Public Ball Refusing to Dance Politeness Talking too Much Toilet Variety Thank you visit Wall Flowers When not to dance When to arrive While dancing