In public balls, a gentleman offers his partner refreshments, but which she very seldom accepts, unless she is well acquainted with him. But in private parties, the persons who receive the company, send round cake and other refreshments, of which every one helps themselves. Near the end of the evening, in a well regulated ball, it is customary to have a supper; but in a soiree, without great preparation, we may dispense with a supper; refreshments are, however, necessary, and not to have them would be the greatest impoliteness.

Up Attire The Cloak Room Dancing Public Deportment Gentlemen Ladies Evening Party Rules for a Ball Giving a Ball Reason for Not Dancing Modesty How to Ask a Lady Issuing Invitations Leaving a Ball Notes Against Dancing Private Party Public Ball Refusing to Dance Politeness Talking too Much Toilet Variety Thank you visit Wall Flowers When not to dance When to arrive While dancing