The Music Room

Philadelphia, November 1850

"Music! oh, how faint, how weak! Language fades before thy spell! Why should feeling ever speak When thou canst breathe her soul so well?"

"Music exalts each joy, allays each grief,
Expels diseases, softens every pain,
Subdues the rage of poison and of plague."

THE age of music has come for America. The national enthusiasms which has greeted and welcomed the sweet nightingale of Europe to our shores proves that our people have souls to appreciate the highest kind of this heavenly art, namely, vocal music. The perfection of this melody can only be reached by the female voice; hence we find another reason besides personal beauty why woman should be called angelic. Jenny Lind adds the third and holiest requisite to this claim on our hearts - excellence of character. She is a woman who brings honor to her sex and glory to humanity; so gifted and so good; so rich and so bounteous; seemingly so far removed from care and sorrow, and yet so ready to sympathize with the poor and afflicted. The melody of her voice seems but the natural expression of her sweet, earnest desire to confer happiness on the world. And this is the secret of her great popularity. This deep swell of benevolent love for humanity (which her heart, by its overflowings in charity of deeds, as well as her lips, by kind words and pleasant smiles, testifies) brings home to almost every person the ideal hopes of making earth a paradise, which, at some time in our lives, we all cherish. "I'd sow the earth with flowers, had I the seed," is the spontaneous feeling of almost every heart; but few, probably, would fulfill these ideal fancies were they entrusted with the power. Prosperity corrupts; success dazzles; the false is magnified by glitter and tumult, and those who are thus surrounded soon cease to search in the shade for humble merit, or listen for the still small voice of truth. But Jenny Lind has never suffered the love of the false to enter into her heart. Simple in her tastes, and true to the moral instincts of her woman's nature, she keeps her beautiful soul open to the influence that enkindle hope and strengthen genius. While her nature moves thus in harmony with the music of her voice, she must - she will draw the hearts of the people to love and honor her more and more. Some complain of the enthusiasm created by her presence, and denounce it as folly or madness. We do not thus consider it. We are glad to see this warmth of popular sentiment manifested, when it is done towards a woman who merits the homage. Jenny Lind has received from Heaven one of the richest gifts of genius; she employs this gift nobly. We thank her for the lesson she reads to all gifted women, that virtue is their highest glory; we thank her for the example she gives to our daughters, that the highest genius can be simple and natural as a village school-girl; we thank her for the sweet pleasure, without meretricious arts, which she confers on the guardians of our country's weal, and on the youth who are our country's hope. May her progress through our land be to her as pleasant as the tones of her sweet voice in the song are to all who hear them!

The midi is  performed by ©Yuko Ohigashi. 








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